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Saturday 28 August 2010

A Break from it all....

Two Sams on the Indoor Climbing Wall
So, a week off with the kids at Centerparcs, and I was feeling a little guilty that I'd been eating like a pig, and wine & chocolate were back on the menu.   However, fear not, the net result of all this ...... is "nil, nothing, zip".  Despite all the bad behavior Mr Wii has reported today that my weight is unchanged :-).

I shouldn't have been surprised, after all this holiday included climbing, abseiling, aeriel adventures, kayaking, and wind surfing, as well as just a little swimming, and's hard work watching all that activity!!

Sam meets Snowy the Owl
We've had a fabulous week, but I've been missing my early morning appointments in the gym.  An hour's spinning with a virtual video to watch didn't do the trick...funny thing spinning, I thought it would be great exercise, but actually the problem with spinning is stopping spinning, not getting it going.  These machines have a life of their own, you kick start, get up some speed, then relax...the wheel keeps going with it's momentum, and your legs kind of follow without you doing anything?  Great to be back on my bike though around the park, and I'm planning doing a lot more of it to keep my fitness up, and as a change from the gallery that is...the gym.  I may even fit in a Coast to Coast between now and March.

Overcoming fear on the zip wire
He'll find his own direction :-)
Sam had great fun on the Zip Wire, after a little encouragement from his Mum he dived off....what a smile on his face.  He wanted to go straight back up.  He was a little less co-ordinated when it came to kayaking.....I don't think team playing is in his gift? 

Thank goodness for those full face helmets!
So it's back to the routine from today....chocolate & wine are back on the prohibited list, and the Gym will become my friend once more.  A diet of chicken & peppers, and a daily visit to Mr Wii.   Hopefully slightly more nutiritious than the diet of mud we had from the dirt-buggies!!  

Anyway, while I was away I had some time to brush up on Henry Steadman. Fantastic book and website for advice about climbing Kilimanjaro, and some great facts & figures.

1: The fastest ever ascent of Kilimanjaro was made in 2007 by Frenchman, Gerard Bavato - who ran up the 36.5km from the Marangu Gates, in just 5 hours, 26 Minutes & 40 seconds.  Lunatic!!

2: Douglas Adams, (Author of Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy) climbed it wearing an 8ft rubber Rhinoceros costume??

3: Two English brothers cycled up it!!

hmmm...sounds easy now?   Don't forget to share my Blog, and sponsor me at

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