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Thursday 6 January 2011


Schools went back today, so once again we have the nightly ritual of amazingly difficult homework for an 8 year old boy with autism (and his Mum). 

Does his school not realise that Sam does not know much about Maths!!   He does know the names of the 1st three people on the moon, and he knows what a triceritops is...he also knows loads about fire engines and smoke alarms, Tutenkhamun and World War 1.

He knows what a Tudor House looks like, he knows that Anne Boleyn had her head chopped off, and he knows where oxygen comes from. 

He knows why there is a footprint on the moon belonging to John Glenn and he also knows that they didn't bring home the lunar buggy, and that Neil Armstrong left a flag there.  He thinks they should have tidied up!!

He knows that you cannot have a shower unless you wet the bed, you never get dressed before breakfast, and you cannot possibly go to bed without a story with pictures in it. 

He has a facination with feet.  You should be sure to have shoes with laces on unless you want him to come along and take them off so he can look at your toes.  He's like a super absorbant never realise just how much he soaks up, and suddenly, without warning you give him a squeeze and amazing facts fall out, that you just wouldn't believe he would know about.

Just what do they teach them these days??

He's quite entertaining to have around....and although he has the attention span of a goldfish, he really does know a lot more than you think!!

The moral here is....don't judge a book by the cover.  It may just contain something very interesting.

70 days to go...10 Weeks.  Kilimanjaro waits....but not for much longer :-)

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